MSC stands for Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (Missionarii Sacratissimi Cordis), a religious order founded by Fr. Jules Chevalier at Issoudun France in 1854. Fr Chevalier saw in Devotion of the Sacred Heart – we now call it A Spirituality of the Heart – a remedy for the ills of the world, especially the indifference of people to the spiritual dimension of life.
The motto of the Sacred Heart highlights this missionary spirituality: “May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved” and at Monivae we have adopted this ethos with passion and fervour.
Monivae College promotes a spirit of family formed by kindness and understanding, by compassion and mutual forgiveness, by gentleness, humility and simplicity, by hospitality and a sense of humour, with justice and concern for all.
Every year, the College adopts a theme chosen by the student leadership group. The theme for 2025 is Connected by Spirit, Strengthened by Diversity
" In my experience, Catholic education is a chance for young people to learn in an environment of love and acceptance. Throughout a regular day at Monivae, we can see the Catholic social teachings in practice, and they help shape all of us into resilient and compassionate people. Catholic education goes well beyond the learning done in the classroom and is something I see in every act of kindness; as we say, it starts with love, and it ends with love. My time in a Catholic school has taught me more about others' faith and beliefs and encouraged me to always seek a sense of justice in the world. Participating in the many opportunities offered through our MSC community and meeting the wonderful people involved has made the past few years incredibly worthwhile and enriching. I have grown to understand ideologies such as servant leadership and inherent human dignity and their extreme importance in our world. Catholic schools are an education of our hearts and minds, guiding us to live in a more loving and compassionate way, and I am thankful for all I have been taught here at Monivae."
Bella Manson, Year 12, 2023